Welcome to the

Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus

Roman Catholic Church

Contact Us

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm
Sunday:  8:00am and 10:30am

​Daily Mass:
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: 6:30am 
Thursday, Friday and Saturday:   8:00am

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Friday 8:30 am -12:00pm |
9:00am - 12:00pm |
Sunday - Closed
Saturdays at 3:00pm  or by appointment. 

St. Peregrine Devotion:  Every third Monday (unless otherwise noted) at 7:00pm

Eucharistic Adoration:  Every second Tuesday (unless otherwise noted) from 5:00-7:00pm

Deaf Ministry- Sign-Interpreted Mass Schedule:

10:30am - Sign-interpreted Mass every Sunday of the month

4:00pm - Sign-interpreted Mass every first Saturday of the month,  concelebrated by Fr. John Abulag

Mother Church of the Diocese of Joliet
As the Cathedral it is the home of the Chief Shepherd of the diocese, Most Reverend Ronald A. Hicks, Bishop of Joliet. St. Raymond is a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. Every person who walks through our doors is important to us. Whether you are a visitor or new to our parish, interested in becoming Catholic, seeking to return to the practice of your faith, or an active member of our parish, we are pleased that you have come to our website and we will do all that we can to assist you. If you cannot find the information that you are seeking on this website, please contact us. We would love to hear from you. 

Pro-Life Baby Shower for Birthright

St. Raymond Respect Life Ministry and Birthright of Joliet have chosen to begin the New Year standing up for life. The Annual Pro-life Baby Shower will be held the weekends of January 25 / 26 (Tag Pick Up) and February 1 / 2 (Gift Return) in the Narthex and Commons hallway. All proceeds will help the newly born babies and mothers in our community who receive services at Birthright of Joliet.  Collection bins will be located at all entrances. Donations can also be made through our online platform by using the link below or checks can be made out to Birthright and placed in the Sunday Collection.  Thanks for helping young mothers give life to their babies. God bless you for providing for “the least among us.” Most Wished For…Sippy Cups, Rash Cream, Large Baby Bottles, Size 4 Diapers, 6, 18, and 24 month boy clothes and 3 month girl clothes

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February 2, 2025 @ Noon in the Cathedral 

Join us in the Cathedral to hear our seminarian intern, Josh Solarz share what he's learned about prayer since being in seminary.

First Sundays After Mass Events

Seniors Luncheon ~ Thursday, February 20 @ 12:00pm

Welcome back! Join us Thursday, February 20 @ 12:00 NOON in the Parish Commons for fun and fellowship! CATERING by: Bella Cucina ~  MENU : Bread & Butter, Bella Signature Salad, Monterey Chicken, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans Almandine, Dessert & Bottled Water. $18.00 per person. Reservation due by Sunday, February 16. ENTERTAINMENT by: Stacy Sienko and the Cathedral Youth Choir. Please place reservation in Sunday collection basket, drop it off at the Parish Office or mail it to the Parish Office by Sunday, February 16. Split the Pot and Door Prizes.  Questions please call or email. Laura Orr @ 815-722-6754. 

Online Reservations

Book Discussions on "33 Days to Eucharistic Glory"

Whether you have begun reading, are in the midst of it, or are interested in starting we hope you can join us. Discussions will take place on Saturday, February 8, at 5:00 PM, or  Sunday, February 9, at 9:00 AM or 11:30 AM in the Cathedral. St. Raymond Parishioners can still obtain copies of the book, which are available at the church entrances. Please reach out to the parish office if you would like to reserve a copy.

Be Formed~ A 90 Day Discipleship Experience for Men and Women

Sign up for the men's or women's Be Formed groups scheduled to meet at St. Raymond on Sundays from 9 to 10 AM in February. To register or for any inquiries, please utilize the QR code provided on the left or contact Kevin at kevin@straymond or Katie at re@straymond.net

The 2025 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal has begun!

As the Diocese of Joliet launches the 2025 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA), we are humbly asking all parishioners to pledge their support for this important effort, as together we can make a profound difference.  This year’s CMAA theme is Open your heart to God’s goodness. Through our support, we ensure that the mission and ministries of Christ’s Church are available to everyone. Together, we can help provide safe shelter for the homeless, feed the physical and social needs of those who are hungry, inspire those discerning a life of vocation, and aid in the education of our next generation of Catholics. Our parish could not accomplish all of this on its own.


As a diocese working together, we can do so much more. Our parish goal for the 2025 CMAA is $73,500, and 70% of any amount we raise over our goal will be returned to us and used fruitfully within our own parish. Please review the materials you receive in the mail from the Diocese of Joliet this month and prayerfully reflect on your gift to this year’s annual appeal. If you do not receive a CMAA mailing, please contact the parish office. Thank you!

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Online Church Directory

Instant Church Directory offers parishioners access to our online password-protected directory. You can now put a name with a face; access the directory anytime, anywhere; upload or change your information within minutes. An abbreviated version of our the directory is now available through the link below for all to view. To access the full version you will need to create a login. For security purposes, only registered parishioners with a login and current email on file will have access to the full version. Many of you are listed in our church directory, but we are still missing your picture! Please don’t be shy! There are many ways to have your photo added to the Directory: Drop off your photo for us to scan, drop your photo in the Sunday collection with your name and contact number on the envelope, Email your photo to info@straymond.net or we are happy to take a current photo of you or your family, stop by and see us!

Cathedral Windows ~ The Sacred Story

For as many times as you have proclaimed the Apostles Creed, have you ever wondered which Scripture stories connect to each article? When you last looked closely at our Cathedral windows, what details stood out for you? What Bible stories did you recognize in the medallions?  There is life in our Cathedral windows; life that is calling to us. How do we begin to discover the treasures? We patiently practice Lectio Divina (Divine Reading) and Visio Divina (Divine Seeing). These prayer forms can help us recognize God's indwelling presence; God's desire for us to know him intimately;

Pray with the Cathedral windows

Download Our Parish App!

This app is available for parishioners to download on both Apple and Android phones. We expect the features and capabilities of our app to foster a stronger sense of community and faith in the daily lives of all parishioners. St. Raymond will be able to communicate quick and easy with all parishioners via messages and notifications to keep you in the loop with what is going on in our parish. 

St. Raymond School offers a rigorous learning experience that develops the whole child – academically, socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually – through high expectations for academics and character, a supportive and loving community, and a focus on faith that prepares our students to make the world a better place.

At St. Raymond School, we are very proud of our teachers and staff, not only for how they work every day to ensure our students are learning and growing into their best selves, but also for how they model this learning by pushing themselves to grow as well. 

When you choose St. Raymond for your family, you are choosing to be part of a community – a community that includes engaged and dedicated parents who partner with the school in the education of their children. St. Raymond parents believe in our mission and want the best for their children, so volunteering at school comes naturally. St. Raymond does not keep parents at a distance; rather, parents are invited and encouraged to share their time, their talent and their treasure to make St. Ray’s the amazing place that it is. And we really couldn’t do it without them!

Explore Our Church

“Untold and yet unborn generations will bless our memory and foresight in the purchase
of this property. For someday there will arise on it a Cathedral!”

Reverend Francis E. Scanlan
November 8, 1917
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