The youth of the parish are invited to participate in the Mass by becoming an altar server. Training usually begins in fifth grade. Altar servers are assigned to serve at Mass in one-to-two month intervals.
Contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
Have you ever wondered who is responsible for making the Cathedral look so beautiful throughout the year? The Art and Environment Ministry consists of volunteers who help put up, arrange and take down flowers, banners, candles, drapery and decorations for major liturgies, to help enrich our worship and experience of Mass, and reflect the particular theme of the liturgical season. Many hands are needed to help beautify our church. If you have a few hours you could spare, please consider hleping the Art and Environment Ministry. All are welcome. Upcoming dates will be posted in the parish bulletin and weekly email blast.
The role of the Eucharistic Minister is to minister the Body and Blood of Christ to the asembled faithful. Extraordinary Ministers symbolize the service each of us is called to through our Baptism. As lay ministers of Holy communion, EM's bring the true presence of Jesus Christ to his people. EM's assist in the nourishing of God's children with the Body and Blood of Christ. We invite and encorugage everyone (baptized and confirmed) to consider this ministry. The commitment that is asked is to serve at scheduled Masses in which one would be paritcipating. Assiting the priest with distribution of the Holy Body and Precious Blood at Masses. Every effort is made to schedule families together when members serve in other ministries. Formal instruction and training will be provided.
Email Judy Botka, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
Lectors play a key role in the celebration of Mass. A lector is a Minister of the Word who proclaims God’s Word to the assembled faith community. Liturgical proclamation of the Word is an formidable responsibility to which one is called and into which one is formed. Being a lector is more than simply reading a reading. This ministry involves studying, preparing, and gaining an understanding of God’s Word that can be transferred to the assembly in a clear and understandable manner. The vital role of the lector is to communicate the depth and importance of the scriptures. Training is provided along with a workbook that enables the lector to practice and prepare prior to Mass. Schedules are distributed months in advance and on average lectors usually minister at Mass about once per month.
Email Eugenie Cheko, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
The Altar Linen Ministry is comprised of dedicated volunteers who meticulously care for the altar linens. Duties involve washing and ironing all the smaller cloth items used at Mass such as purificators, corporals and hand towels. All items are cleaned, ironed and returned to the Church each weekend.
Email Kelly Alt, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
Help us to welcome people to Masses, especially our monthly Family Mass (First Sundays at 10:30) and distribute bulletins or other handouts. Please click below to sign up, click below to email or call the office 815 722-6653, ext. 217..
Music plays a vital role in the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy. The Ministry of Music provides music during Sunday Masses, Holy Days and special Diocesan Masses.
Contact Stacy Sienko, Director of Music for information about the music ministry and all of the musical opportunities available at the Cathedral.
Email Stacy Sienko, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
Ushers serve on Saturdays, Sundays, and to help with special Diocesan services as needed. Along with greeters, ushers, welcome church attendees as they arrive. Assist in the seating of guests and parishioners. Collect the offering and immediately bring the offertory collection to the safe.Organize the flow of the community as they come forward for Communion.Record attendance count.
Hand out the weekly bulletin.
Email Jim Schultz, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
Wedding Coordinators assist couples with their wedding rehearsal and ceremony. The Sacrament of Marriage between two people is on of the most important days in a couple's life together. Wedding Coordinators assure everything runs smoothly during the wedding ceremony by helping with preparation, set-up, an general instructions for the ceremony. Wedding Coordinators are present at the church for the rehearsal and wedding ceremony. Wedding rehearsals are typically held on Thursday or Friday evening and require 1 1/2 hours of coordinator time. Ceremonies are celebrated on Friday evenings or Saturday afternoon and requires approximentaly the same amount of time.
Email Yvonne Callans, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.