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Service & Outreach
Each Advent the Giving Tree Ministry coordinates the needs of partnering organizations with the generous spirit of our parishioners in order to provide gifts and the necessities to those in need in our neighborhood and beyond.
Organizations supported by the Giving Tree:
Agape Missions
Trinity Services
Sacred Heart (Hopkins Park)
Sacred Heart (Joliet)
Warren-Sharpe Community Center
Email Mary Wollgast, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
Volunteer to prepare and serve meals at Daybreak with St. Raymond parishioners at Catholic Charities' Daybreak Center.
There are two opportunities to help with gardening ministries at the Cathedral of St. Raymond. The first is the Promised Land gardens and the second is ornamental gardening around our campus.
The MicroPantry, located at the Rectory entrance off Raynor Ave. Take What You Need, Leave What You Can.
In conjunction with the Joliet Diocesan Respect Life Office, the Respect Life Ministry promotes life from conception to natural death. This ministry is dedicaed to infoming its members and the enitire parish community of all life issues. Every January the ministry hosts a "Baby Shower" for Birth Right of Jolie in addition to participating in praying the rosary monthly, attending the Diocesan Respect Life Mass in October and coordinating the parish spiritual adoption program for the parish.
Email Chris Springer, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
We are a Catholic lay organization and have many opportunities for volunteers within our ministries. We are always looking to expand and diversify our membership to better reach those in need. If interested please join us for one of our monthly meetings. We meet every second Wednesday of the month in the Bell Tower alternating morning and evening times. Please see calendar for dates and times.
Held in Novmeber, our NON-PERSISABLE thanksgiving food drive helps the needy friends of the Sacred Heart Parish Soupk kitchen in Joliet and the Veterans Assistance Commission of Will County. Volunteers are need to help load and drop off donations.
Email Kim McCarthy, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.