Formation & Education
A catechist leads others in understanding the official teachings of the Catholic Church because of their own personal faith, and love for God.
With a love for children and a willingness to teach catechists will work with the Director of REligious Education's plan to welcome students and deliver lessons to teach in a classroom setting.
St. Raymond provides teaching and resource materials. We ask catechists to commit to teaching a class for an entire academic year. Classes begin in September and run through March.
We welcome any person of faith who wishes to lead others to grow in faith and understanding the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
If interested in being a catechist (or aide) Simply email Katie Choudhary, contact the parish office (815 722-6653) or complete the form below.
As part of the OCIA team, you will work with the Director of OCIA to help accompany and catechize those who are in the OCIA process.
Email Deacon Darrell Kelsey, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
Presentations and opportunities for discussion for adult learning including Sundays After Mass, and special guest speakers.
For mothers and their children ages birth to 5yrs. Beginning October 24. Email or call Katie 815 722-6653.