Parish Life
Bereavement Ministers offer spiritual support and assistance with funeral planning. This support and assistance can be offered prior to and /or after the death of a loved one. During this difficult time, bereavement ministers work with family members to discuss and address the facets of the funeral mass, and to assist in the selection of readings and music for the funeral liturgy.
Email Peg Schauer, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
Volunteer to bring Communion to or visit with our homebound parishioners, or request a visit for yourself or another. For the Sacraments of Annointing of the Sick or Last Rites, Contact the parish office directly at 815 722-6653.
For husbands, fathers and single men of the parish to get together for prayer, discussion, social and work events.
Volunteers pray for special needs and requests of parishioners and their families. Prayer and the support of others is an important element of our Christian community. If you have a special intention, be assured that the members of the Cathedral Prayer Connection are dedicated to the intercession on your behalf. New members are always welcome to join our group of "pray-ers." There are no meetings or dues. The only requirement is that you are willing to receive a prayer intention by phone, pray intensely for that need and pass the request along to one other person on the phone chain. It is a great and rewarding opportunity to connect with those who believe in the power of prayer.
Email Yvonne Callans, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
Seniors, 55 and over, meet for socializing and entertainment. If you are age 55 or older and are looking for an opportunity to participate in various activites and meet with friends and other seniors in the community, the Seniors Club is the place for you! Monthly meetings are held in the Commons where a hot meal and entertainment is always provided. The annual dues of $10 help offset the cost of these events. If you like enjoying a meal or taking in a show join the Seniors Club where you are sure to have a great time.
Email Laura Orr, contact the parish office at 815-722-6653 or complete the form below.
An opportunity for older adults 50 years old and above, couples or single to gather for social and faith based events.. Social and faith based events are hosted by the group.
Events happening at the Cathedral, in the area, or around the Diocese of Joliet for people between the ages of 18-39.
For our high school youth- join us for Sundays in the Tower and other events.