Family Mass

First Sundays of each month at the 10:30 AM Mass

November 3, 2024

Special invitation to Kindergarten and 4th grades CSR School,

and 1st and 7th grades Religious Ed

-Children's Choir

-Junior High Students are also invited to Sundays in the Tower

- Adult Formation Topic: "What Did We Just Do?  Understanding the Various Elements of the Mass."

December  1, 2024 1st Sunday of Advent

Special invitation to 2nd and 6th grades CSR School,

and 4th and 6th grades Religious Ed

-Junior High Students are also invited to Sundays in the Tower

- Adult Formation Topic: "Advent and the Seasons and Calendar of the Church."

January 5, 2024 

Special invitation to 3rd and 7th grades CSR School,

and 3rd and 5th grades Religious Ed

Children's Choir

-Junior High Students are also invited to Sundays in the Tower

- Adult Formation Topic: Leading Small Groups

February 2, 2024 

Special invitation to Pre-K and 5th grades CSR School,

and 2nd and 8th grades Religious Ed

Children's Choir

-Junior High Students are also invited to Sundays in the Tower

- Adult Formation Topic: TBA

March 2, 2024 

Special invitation to K and 4th grades CSR School,

and 1st and 7th grades Religious Ed

Children's Choir-Junior High Students are also invited to Sundays in the Tower

- Adult Formation Topic: TBA

April 6, 2024 

Special invitation to 1st and 8th grades CSR School,

and 4th and 6th grades Religious Ed

Children's Choir

-Junior High Students are also invited to Sundays in the Tower

- Adult Formation Topic: TBA

May 5, 2024

Special invitation to 2nd and 6th grades CSR School,

and 2nd and 8th grades Religious Ed

(First Communion attire for 2nd grade) 

Children's Choir

-Junior High Students are also invited to Sundays in the Tower

- Adult Formation Topic: TBA

June 1, 2024

Special invitation to 3rd and 7th grades CSR School,

and 3rd and 5th grades Religious Ed

Children's Choir

-Junior High Students are also invited to Sundays in the Tower

- Adult Formation Topic: TBA

Oct 6 Mass Line Up:



Second: Alex Zanzola

Gift Bearers:

Eucharistic Ministers:

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