Men's Ministry

Prayer, work, and social opportunities for men at St. Raymond's- dads, husbands, single guys.  Whether it is prayer and discussion groups, helping with projects around the Cathedral, or some athletic event, join us as you are able!

Make sure we can contact you, and let us know if you're interested in a particular event- or call 815 722-6653, ext. 217

Upcoming Events: (Invite others)

Discussion or event in the bell tower, then ending with quiet prayer in the Blessed Sacrament chapel.

April 25, 2024- Scripture Reflection at 7pm in the Bell Tower
(And every 4th Monday of the month)
Beginning at 7pm in the Bell Tower. 
John 15: 1-8, the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday is the passage. 

"Ask for whatever you want, and it will be done for you."
Concluding with optional quiet prayer time in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel after 8pm.

May 23, 2024 - Regular Gathering at 7pm
(And every 4th Monday of the month)
Quiet prayer for 20 minutes in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, then we move to the bell tower for discussion.

June 27, 2024- Bags in the Lot at 7pm
Social time to throw bags in the school lot and enjoy some refreshments.

May 23
June 27
July 25
August 22
September 26
October 24
November 28- Thanksgiving- no meeting
December 26 - TBConfirmed

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