Calendar of Events

April 5 and 6
Weekend Masses

John Angotti will be the principal musician for our three weekend Masses (Saturday 4pm, Sunday 8am and 10:30am)

April 6, 6pm

Concert of Praise and Worship
John Angotti

April 7, 7pm
Parish Mission Night
by John Angotti

"There's a Presence in This Place"

April 8, 7pm
Parish Mission Night II
by John Angotti

"There's a Presence in This Place"

Also, following from the theme of the mission, "There's a Presence in This Place,"  a few additional events have been scheduled to learn and experience more about "this place."

May 1st through 7th, 7:15am

Daily Rosary in the Cathedral after the 6:30am morning Mass, for the beginning of the Month of Mary, and using the Art and Architecture of the Cathedral.

May 12, 6pm

Cathedral Art and Architecture Tour by Fr. Brian Geary

For these mission events, there is no ticket, fee, or reservation required and non-parishioners are welcome.


Kevin A. O'Donnell, Pastoral Associate

815 722-6653

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