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Micro Pantry and Food Drives
Seasonal Collections
Church Decoration
Special Parish Work Events
St. Vincent DePaul
Daybreak or Shepherd's Table
Habitat for Humanity
Ornamental Gardening
Produce Gardening
Pray together at Adoration
Gift Collections
Activities together are important for a family, and activities at church can certainly help with faith development.
Following are some ideas and we're happy to help with more like options and resources for reflection and understanding the value and impact of an activity.
For any of these items, please be in touch with Kevin or be linked to more information where it says "Click for more." or 815 722-6653, ext. 217
Micro Pantry and Food Drives- donate items from your home pantry or make a specific shopping trip to add a little to the Micro Pantry. We also host a yearly Thanksgiving food drive. A little difference can be made for someone else through small actions on our part. Click for more.
Daybreak/Shepherd's Table-
Prepare and/or serve a meal at Catholic Charities Daybreak Center or prepare something at home to be donated. Financial donations can be made to specifically sponsor a meal as well. Direct service at Daybreak requires parental supervision and is probably not suitable for younger kids.
Click for more.
Special Parish Work Events- Watch the parish calendar or bulletin for specific events, but there are clean-up days and special projects from time to time and when students have a need for service hours- we can sign the forms.
Church Decorations- Some of the church decorating throughout the year requires ladders and lifts and tools, but there are smaller more manageable ways families with younger kids can help out- watering, cleaning plants, setting out the smaller items. Kids especially feel a sense of inclusion seeing their work in church.
St. Vincent DePaul- St. Raymond's has it's own chapter of this International service society. There are clothing drives and special efforts that take place at the parish, and there is always a need for help sorting and cleaning at the SVDP thrift store on Jefferson. Click for more.
Habitat for Humanity- This organization has active worksites in the area and needs volunteers for a variety of tasks. Some will have age requirements, but adults need not be skilled in the specific trades as site professionals will guide the work.
Ornamental Gardening- Help to beautify and maintain the cathedral property by watering, weeding, and doing general maintenance. Families and individuals can adopt a specific area or come in for a one-time project. Click for more.
Seasonal Collections- More than just an opportunity to collect and donate money for a cause, special collections throughout the year also offer an opportunity for some focused action or prayer and learning about a specific topic. Examples are an Advent prayer and action calendar, CRS Rice Bowls during Lent, or participating in the Pro-Life Baby Shower.
Gift Collections- The yearly Pro-Life Shower and Christmas Giving Tree are moments to donate specifically requested items like toys and clothing for families in need.
Produce Gardening- adopt a plot as a family, or come in for a smaller specific project to help keep the gardens clean, tidy and harvested. All produce is donated to local food pantries and soup kitchen. No need to be have a green thumb- we coach. Click for more.
Mass- Go to Church! Mass times are always listed on the home page of this website. Click and scroll down. See you there.
Adoration- Jesus is present always and everywhere, but in the Blessed Sacrament, we experience the presence of Jesus in a very unique and special way. Adoration is offered every second Tuesday of the month from 5pm-7pm in the Cathedral. It is a beautifully peaceful time to come in for ten minutes, or an hour- however long, and be quiet and consider what it means to be in His presence.
Pet Blessing- In October, around the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, we offer a pet blessing. Come as a family to have these companions of ours blessed.
Watch the parish calendar.
Pray for the Sick- The St. Peregrine Devotion is held on the third Monday of each month at 7pm in the Cathedral. It is a very traditional prayer style which includes exposition of the Blessed Sacrament as an opportunity to pray for those who are suffering with cancer and other diseases.