The Diocese of Joliet requires that arrangements for a wedding be made at least six months prior to the desired wedding date.

Due to other regularly scheduled services and Diocesan events at the Cathedral, weddings can only be scheduled at certain times. Those time's are: Friday evenings at 4:00pm or 5:00pm and on Saturdays at 12:00pm or 2:00pm.

Because there are seasons of the Church Liturgical year set  aside for penitence an spiritual renewal, wedding celebrations are discouraged on Sunday, Holidays, and during Advent and Lent, without the Rector's approval. If approved, the level of the festivity should be somewhat subdued.

The date you have chosen for your wedding is a tentative reservation based on the couple and priest/deacon arriving at the decision to proceed with plans understanding that each person is free to marry in the Catholic Church.

For persons under the age of 19, and interview with a Catholic Charities counselor, and the priest/deacon handling the arrangements is required.

For Those previously married, a Declaration of Nullity must be provided at the time of your booking in order to demonstrate that you are now free to re-marry in the Catholic Church. This applies to all forms of previous marriage, whether by a judge, religious leader in another faith tradition, or a civil union. Please contact the Tribunal at
815-221-6169 for further information.

The rehearsal time will be scheduled at the time of the wedding is scheduled. Rehearsals are generally scheduled for the Thursday or Friday evening before the wedding. Rehearsal times may vary due to other scheduled services and Diocesan events.  Rehearsals last approximately 45 minutes depending on the type of liturgy and size of the wedding party. In order to avoid interfering with other rehearsal or events, please be sure that you and your wedding party arrive on time.

Liturgical Celebration of Your Marriage:

The celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage, which is rooted in the Church's regular worship life, is not a private family function, nor is it merely a social affair or a personal expression of your love for one another. Rather, it is an action of the entire church in whose presence you commit yourselves to one another . Every effort should be made to enable the assembly to participate in a full and active manner. The liturgy is neither a show nor a performance and it is not enhanced by any design that creates passive observers. Everyone present should be encouraged to participate by being able to hear, see,  speak, sing and pray.

Celebrating Sacrament of Marriage in the Context of Mass or Outside of Mass

The Sacrament of Marriage is a religious celebration that focuses, not only on the couple, but also on the entire community gathered. The community of family and friends then, are not mere spectators but active participants in the liturgy. Raising the question of should you or should you not celebrate your marriage in the context of Mass (the Eucharist) or outside of Mass? Normally, when either the bride or groom are not Catholic, the celebration of the wedding occurs outside of Mass. To celebrate the Eucharist in a situation where a large number of those present cannot share in it, especially where the bride or the groom is noticeably unable to share in it, runs the risk of turning this very sacrament of communion into a sign of something that divides instead of uniting us.

Readings and Liturgical Prayers

You will be provided with the book "Together for Life" which along with various prayers and blessings, contains those scripture readings most appropriate for use at weddings. In consultation with the priest who will preside at the wedding you will select usually three passages from scripture. Non-scriptural readings or poems are never permitted in place of the scripture.

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